Think about the ease with which we go about performing our regular routine activities!! We have to be extremely grateful to our Knees for helping us do it. While having a healthy knee is always essential, we should not forget that due to wear and tear and stress, the knee is susceptible to damage, sometimes very severe. In this case, the best option is to seek the services of an experienced orthopaedic doctor and look for a permanent solution.
In severe conditions, the best solution that has helped many patients come back to their routine is Knee Replacement surgery.
This article serves as a Knee Replacement surgery guide for all those who are contemplating taking up this surgery.
Our Knee
The Knee happens to be the largest and most complex joint which is an amalgamation of three bones: the Femur (thigh bone), the Tibia (Shin bone) and the Patella (Knee cap). The seamless movement of the bone within the joint is facilitated by an articular cartilage that covers the ends of the three bones.
However, the smooth functioning of the knee can be disrupted due to an internal disease that affects the knee or an external injury, due to an accident or fall. This is when your orthopaedic surgeon, after a thorough examination, might recommend a Knee Replacement surgery procedure to help you get back on track soon.
A Knee Replacement surgery is also called a Knee Arthroplasty.
Do I need a Knee Replacement surgery?
Arthritis, a well-known medical condition connected with knees, is one of the common reasons that can lead to Knee Replacement surgery. You may have to consider this surgical option if you are impacted by the following conditions.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Post-Traumatic Arthritis caused due to fracture
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
Symptoms of Knee Replacement surgery
A Knee Replacement surgery is usually suggested if you don’t find relief even after medications. Additionally, some other situations which might require a Knee Replacement Surgery are:
- Chronic pain and swelling in the Knee joint.
- Difficulty in walking
- Prolonged sleep disturbance
- Deformity seen in the knee joint
- Disturbance in lifting your leg
Knee Replacement surgery is no doubt a complex procedure. However, the introduction of niche technology-driven equipment and the competency of our surgeons have immensely improved success rates and patient outcomes.Hence, if you or a loved one needs a Knee Replacement and are wondering, “Who is the best knee replacement surgeon near me” to connect with, do not hesitate to meet our experienced orthopaedic surgeons at Suguna Hospital, immediately. Having performed more than 1000 different orthopaedic surgeries including Knee Replacement, our competent team of doctors continue to display exemplary surgical qualities with exceptional care to deliver more than what is expected.