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Impact of Sleep on your Heart Health. How to get the rest your Heart Deserves?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

A good sleep is an essential ingredient to maintain good health. However, according to the best heart doctor in Bangalore, it is equally essential for a good and healthy heart. While it’s understandable to prioritize work, family commitments and social life over a good sleep, ignoring it can impact your heart considerably. 

Experienced cardiologists from Suguna Hospital explain why a good night’s rest is essential for a healthy heart

Relation between Heart and Good Sleep

According to the top cardiologists, sleep plays a vital role in maintaining a stable heart health. A sound sleep enables the heart to work normally as there is a slight drop in blood pressure which eases the pressure on the heart. If you are deprived of a good sleep, your heart does not get that adequate amount of rest which it so richly deserves. 

Additionally, well-known experts stress the fact that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to the risk of developing:

  • High Blood Pressure.
  • Increase in stress hormones.
  • Obseity.
  • Stress induced diabetes.

Tips for a better sleep and healthy heart

Bangalore’s Best Cardiologist suggest that certain practices if followed can go a long way in ensuring good sleep and in turn, a healthy heart.

  • Do not compromise on a good sleep opportunity.
  • Create a sleep friendly environment.
  • Establish a sleep routine.
  • Practice a healthy diet.
  • Think positive and good.
  • Stay active.
  • Manage stress.

Connect with Experts for Quality Sleep & Better Heart Health

Explore Treatment Options

Sleep is never a luxury but a necessity. Experts at Suguna Hospital have made a big difference to many patients’ lives who have had to face heart issues due to irregular sleep patterns. Feel free to connect with the best and learn how to give your heart some good rest.

Conclusion: If you’re searching for the best cardiologist near you, look no further than Suguna Hospital. Our team of expert cardiologists has successfully addressed complex cardiac issues, prioritizing your heart’s well-being. Remember, understanding the relationship between cholesterol and heart diseases is the first step toward a healthier heart. Take control of your heart health, and let Suguna Hospital guide you on this journey to a stronger, healthier heart.

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